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Gather all your material related to your property(s). Information includes copies of any or all mortgages (including the name of the lender, amount owing, terms, payment amount and maturity date), property tax statement, property insurance papers and any details of other encumbrances (judgments, liens, etc)
Getting a lender to hold and guarantee you an interest rate for your property that you are trying to securing financing, allowing you to shop the market place and giving you the option for better terms and rate
Some situations you are able to buy your mortgage rate down in order to reduce your month payment.
Once a mortgage is locked for a period of the term, the interest rate is fixed for the duration of the term.
Once you lock your mortgage to a fixed rate and term, you can relock your mortgage, but you may incur the expense of breaking the mortgage. The cost of breaking a mortgage term maybe the expense of a defined penalty. Eg. Three months or it may be more complicated calculation of interest differential. A mortgage professional is suggested to be obtained prior to making any re-negotiation for a relocked or fixed rate term mortgage.